Tuesday, August 21, 2007


The title of this post is multi-purpose. This blog has been desolate all summer so I am "restarting" this blog as we move into the fall. I have been busy learning all about the wonderful technologies that make Java web applications run and can't wait to forcefully share my wisdom to my loyal reader(s).

One thing I have decided about Java web apps is restarting your web container of choice is a real pain if its done as often as one would build a Java desktop app. You see, everytime a change is made, the new class files must be deployed to the web container and the web container must be restarted. Restarting a web container can take anywhere from 1 to 30 seconds depending on the size of your web application. At the time of this post most restarts of my web container take 25 seconds plus giving me an opportunity to break away from work, surf unproductive web sites, and totally forget what I was doing by the time the web container comes back online. Fabulous.